Aliza Goldschlag is Rosh Bogrim at MBGP! She has worked at multiple Bnei Akiva camps as a lifeguard, Beit Midrash fellow, counselor, and Rosh Eidah. Aliza has been an active participant in Bnei Akiva, having gone to Bnei Akiva sleep away camp since 2nd grade, participating in her local Bnei Akiva snif in Silver Spring, MD, working as a Madricha and then Rosh Snif of Bnei Akiva Silver Spring. After graduating from Berman Hebrew Academy, she attended Midrashet Nishmat in Jerusalem. Aliza is now studying Jewish Education at Yeshiva University. Aliza spend this past semester studying abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with the Nachshon Project, for students interested in working in Jewish professions.